Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Mô đun:Ruby”

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Dòng 44: Dòng 44:
character, reading)
character, reading)
character_idx = character_idx + 1
character_idx = character_idx + 1
elseif mw.ustring.match(character, "^%s$") then
elseif character == "\n" then
character = "<br>"
character = "<br>"

Phiên bản lúc 16:48, ngày 17 tháng 7 năm 2019

Tài liệu mô đun[tạo]
local p = {}

---Vietnamese letters
local letters = "aAàÀảẢãÃáÁạẠăĂằẰẳẲẵẴắẮặẶâÂầẦẩẨẫẪấẤậẬbBcCdDđĐeEèÈẻẺẽẼéÉẹẸêÊềỀểỂễỄếẾệỆfFgGhHiIìÌỉỈĩĨíÍịỊjJkKlLmMnNoOòÒỏỎõÕóÓọỌôÔồỒổỔỗỖốỐộỘơƠờỜởỞỡỠớỚợỢpPqQrRsStTuUùÙủỦũŨúÚụỤưƯừỪửỬữỮứỨựỰvVwWxXyYỳỲỷỶỹỸýÝỵỴzZ"

---[[Bản mẫu:Ruby]]
function p.ruby(characters, readings, mark, alts)
	if type(characters) == "table" then
		local args = characters:getParent().args
		characters, readings, mark, alts =
			args[1] or "",
			args[2] or "",
			args.mark or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text,
			((args.alts and mw.text.split(args.alts, "%s+")) or
				(args.ids and mw.text.split(args.ids, "%s+")) or {})
	if not readings then
		return characters
	readings = mw.text.split(readings, "[^" .. letters .. "]+")
	local character_idx = 1
	if #readings[1] == 0 then character_idx = character_idx + 1 end
	local result = {}
	local alt_idx = 1
	for character in mw.ustring.gmatch(characters, ".") do
		local is_alt = false
		if character == "*" and alts[alt_idx] then
			character = alts[alt_idx]
			is_alt = true
			alt_idx = alt_idx + 1
		if is_alt or (mw.ustring.match(character, "^%a$") and not character:match("^%w$")) then
			local reading = readings[character_idx]
			if mark and character == mark then
				character = mw.ustring.format("<mark>%s</mark>", character)
				reading = mw.ustring.format("<mark>%s</mark>", reading)
			character = mw.ustring.format(
				"<ruby><rb><span class='Hani'>%s</span></rb><rp>(</rp><rt><span style='padding: 0 0.25em;'>%s</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>",
				character, reading)
			character_idx = character_idx + 1
		elseif character == "\n" then
			character = "<br>"
		table.insert(result, character)
	return mw.ustring.format("<span class='ruby' lang='vi' style='font-size: 137%%;'>%s</span>", table.concat(result))

return p