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This page defines a TemplateScript library. It's not meant to be referenced
directly. See [[Wikisource:TemplateScript]] for usage.

/* global $, pathoschild */

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:Pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
	** Define library
		key: 'wikisource.typography',
		name: 'Sửa chính tả',
		url: '//',
		description: 'Mã kịch bản để sửa lỗi chính tả: thêm dấu thanh (như àéîö) hoặc thay đổi hoa/thường.',
		categories: [
				name: 'Sửa chính tả',
				scripts: [
					{ key: 'title-link', name: 'Liên kết tựa đề', script: maketitle, accessKey: 't' },
					{ key: 'author-link', name: 'Liên kết tác giả', script: author, accessKey: 'a' },
					{ key: 'small-caps', name: 'Đổi Hoa Nhỏ', script: smallcaps, accessKey: 'c' },
					{ key: 'upper', name: 'Đổi CHỮ HOA', script: upper, accessKey: 'u' },
					{ key: 'diaresis', name: 'Thêm dấu chấm (ä)', script: diaeresis, accessKey: ':' },
					{ key: 'acute', name: 'Thêm dấu sắc (á)', script: acute, accessKey: '\'' },
					{ key: 'grave', name: 'Thêm dấu huyền (à)', script: grave, accessKey: '`' },
					{ key: 'circumflex', name: 'Thêm dấu mũ (â)', script: circumflex, accessKey: '^' },
					{ key: 'macro', name: 'Thêm dấu ngang (ā)', script: macron, accessKey: '_' },
					{ key: 'misc', name: 'Thêm dấu móc và chữ kép', script: catchall, accessKey: '-' }

	** Private methods
	 * Convert the text to title case based on English rules.
	 * @param {string} text The text to convert.
	var _titlecase = function(text) {
		// split text into individual words and examine them one by one
		var words = text.toLowerCase().split(' ');
		for (var i in words) {
			switch(words[i]) {
				case "a":
				case "an":
				case "and":
				case "as":
				case "at":
				case "but":
				case "by":
				case "etcetera":
				case "etc.":
				case "for":
				case "from":
				case "in":
				case "nor":
				case "of":
				case "o'":
				case "on":
				case "or":
				case "the":
				case "to":
				case "with":
				case "versus":
				case "vs.":
				case "v.":
				case "yet":
					break; // don't capitalise articles, "to" as part of an infinitive, prepositions or short conjunctions
				default: // capitalise everything else
					words[i] = words[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + words[i].substring(1, words[i].length);

		// capitalise first word regardless
		words[0] = words[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + words[0].substring(1, words[0].length);

		// capitalise last word regardless
		var last = words.length - 1;
		words[last] = words[last].substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + words[last].substring(1, words[last].length);

		// reconstruct title
		var titleCase = "";
		for (i in words) {
			titleCase += words[i];
			if (i < last)
				titleCase += " ";

		return titleCase;

	** Script methods
	 * Convert the selected text into an appropriately-capitalised title link.
	 * For example, this replaces "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER" with
	 * "[[The Man from Snowy River|THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER]]".
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function maketitle(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			var target = _titlecase(text);
			return target == text
				? '[[' + text + ']]'
				: '[[' + target + '|' + text + ']]';

	 * Convert the selected text into an author link (with support for common
	 * cases like "Smith, John" → [[Author:John Smith|Smith, John]]).
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function author(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(name) {
			// if name contains a comma, switch around when linking
			var commaPos = name.indexOf(',');
			var target = commaPos === -1
				? name
				: name.substr(commaPos+1).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + ' ' + name.substr(0, commaPos).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

			// if name is all in capitals, convert target to title case
			if (target == target.toUpperCase())
				target = _titlecase(target);

			return '[[Tác gia:' + target + '|' + name + ']]';

	 * Convert the selected text to Sᴍᴀʟʟ Cᴀᴘs using {{small-caps}}.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	//Mark selected text up with small-caps
	function smallcaps(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			// Applying small-caps to all-caps text is pointless...
			// ... unless the all-caps is OCR of text that is actually small-caps.
			// Check if text is all-caps, and if it is, convert it to title case before applying small-caps.
			if (selected == selected.toUpperCase())
				selected = _titlecase(selected);

			return '{{sc|' + selected + '}}';

	 * Convert the selected text to UPPERCASE.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function upper(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			return selected.toUpperCase();

	 * Add miscellaneous diacritics to the selected character or pair.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function catchall(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			switch(selected) {
				// fixes that are one character long
				case 'c':
					return 'ç';
				case 'C':
					return 'Ç';
				case 'ç':
					return 'c—'; // so that if I wanted an mdash I can simply invoke it again
				case 'Ç':
					return 'C—'; // so that if I wanted an mdash I can simply invoke it again
				// fixes that are two characters long
				case 'ae':
					return 'æ';
				case 'AE':
					return 'Æ';
				case 'oe':
					return 'œ';
				case 'OE':
					return 'Œ';
				// final catchall: insert em dash
					return selected + '—';

	 * Modify a selected character (like 'a') with a diaeresis (like 'ä').
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function diaeresis(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			switch(selected) {
				case 'a':
					return 'ä';
				case 'A':
					return 'Ä';
				case 'e':
					return 'ë';
				case 'E':
					return 'Ë';
				case 'i':
					return 'ï';
				case 'I':
					return 'Ï';
				case 'o':
					return 'ö';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ö';
				case 'u':
					return 'ü';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ü';
				case 'y':
					return 'ÿ';
					return selected;

	 * Modify a selected character (like 'a') with an acute accent (like 'á').
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function acute(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			switch(selected) {
				case 'a':
					return 'á';
				case 'A':
					return 'Á';
				case 'c':
					return 'ć';
				case 'C':
					return 'Ć';
				case 'e':
					return 'é';
				case 'E':
					return 'É';
				case 'g':
					return 'ģ';
				case 'i':
					return 'í';
				case 'I':
					return 'Í';
				case 'o':
					return 'ó';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ó';
				case 'l':
					return 'ĺ';
				case 'L':
					return 'Ĺ';
				case 'n':
					return 'ń';
				case 'N':
					return 'Ń';
				case 'r':
					return 'ŕ';
				case 'R':
					return 'Ŕ';
				case 's':
					return 'ś';
				case 'S':
					return 'Ś';
				case 'u':
					return 'ú';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ú';
				case 'y':
					return 'ý';
				case 'Y':
					return 'Ý';
				case 'z':
					return 'ź';
				case 'Z':
					return 'Ź';
					return selected;

	 * Modify a selected character (like 'a') with a grave accent (like 'à').
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function grave(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			switch(selected) {
				case 'a':
					return 'à';
				case 'A':
					return 'À';
				case 'e':
					return 'è';
				case 'E':
					return 'È';
				case 'i':
					return 'ì';
				case 'I':
					return 'Ì';
				case 'o':
					return 'ò';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ò';
				case 'u':
					return 'ù';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ù';
					return selected;

	 * Modify a selected character (like 'a') with a macron (like 'ā').
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function macron(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			switch(selected) {
				case 'a':
					return 'ā';
				case 'A':
					return 'Ā';
				case 'e':
					return 'ē';
				case 'E':
					return 'Ē';
				case 'i':
					return 'ī';
				case 'I':
					return 'Ī';
				case 'o':
					return 'ō';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ō';
				case 'u':
					return 'ū';
				case 'U':
					return 'Ū';
					return selected;

	 * Modify a selected character (like 'a') with a circumflex (like 'â').
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	function circumflex(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
			switch(selected) {
				case 'a':
					return 'â';
				case 'A':
					return 'Â';
				case 'c':
					return 'ĉ';
				case 'C':
					return 'Ĉ';
				case 'e':
					return 'ê';
				case 'E':
					return 'Ê';
				case 'g':
					return 'ĝ';
				case 'G':
					return 'Ĝ';
				case 'h':
					return 'ĥ';
				case 'H':
					return 'Ĥ';
				case 'i':
					return 'î';
				case 'I':
					return 'Î';
				case 'j':
					return 'ĵ';
				case 'J':
					return 'Ĵ';
				case 'o':
					return 'ô';
				case 'O':
					return 'Ô';
				case 's':
					return 'ŝ';
				case 'S':
					return 'Ŝ';
				case 'u':
					return 'û';
				case 'U':
					return 'Û';
				case 'w':
					return 'ŵ';
				case 'W':
					return 'Ŵ';
				case 'y':
					return 'ŷ';
				case 'Y':
					return 'Ŷ';
					return selected;
// </nowiki>