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Nhật trình
  • 09:27, ngày 27 tháng 8 năm 2022 thảo luận đã tạo trang Plant Health Encycloweedia: Data Sheets For California Noxious Weeds (Trang mới: “Sow thistle that serve as hosts for downy mildew; wild mustards that host clubroot of cabbage; and saltbrush and Russian thistle, in which curly top virus overwinters, to be carried to sugar beets by leafhoppers. Many weeds are hosts of insect pests, and a number are invasive species. More broadly, the term "weed" is occasionally applied pejoratively to species outside the plant kingdom, species that can survive in diverse environments and reproduce quickl…”) Thẻ: Sửa đổi di động Sửa đổi từ trang di động